Would you support a zombie uprising?

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Flying Tiger

Back to PCU. The Walrus, Fizzgig, Schmendrick and I lived together for a couple of years. Naturally, some funny things happened. Many of them centered around Schmendrick doing something silly.

Schmendrick happens to be obsessed with most things to do with WWII, and not least among these things is the board game Axis and Allies. For those not familiar, this is a Risk-like game in which each player takes on a role of one of the major powers involved in WWII: the US, the UK, Russia, Germany, or Japan. Schmendrick thought it would be fun to play a game among our housemates. He took Russia, mostly to show us how to play and then to extricate himself from the game (by the third turn, Russia had a couple of ships left), Walrus took the UK, Fizzgig took the US, and I took the Axis. I sucked as Germany, but apparently I did very well as Japan (shock, surprise).

Schmendrick stopped helping me after the third turn, giving his advice to the Allies. But he did hover over my shoulder, making comments on the historical accuracy of my moves. As I sent some air troops over China, he started going on about a squad known as the Flying Tigers who did something more or less like it.

I happen to have no real audio filters. This occasionally makes it very hard for me to concentrate on complex things, such as an Axis and Allies turn, while people are talking around me. After a few moments of waiting for Schmendrick to stop, I finally decided to stop him myself.

I turned suddenly on him, got in his face, held my hands up in claws, and roared at the top of my lungs.

Schmendrick choked on his words, turned bright red, and, eyes widening in startlement, backed away as far as he could go. Which wasn't very far, as it happened; he backed straight into a corner. And then slid down the wall. Into the trash can.

After the laughing stopped, I took my turn.

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