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Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Worst Couple Ever

The other night, I happened to wind up on the last subway train home. Just before the busiest stop on my ride, the train stopped, mid-tunnel. This is not hugely unusual, and I was prepared for it, so I just kept reading my book.

Unfortunately for me, the people across from me on this relatively uncrowded train were not so prepared, and were evidently not having a great evening anyways.

They were a hetero couple, a standard looking blonde woman and a slightly metro man, late twenties or early thirties. The woman was holding a bouquet of flowers, mostly lilies, to which I happen to be terribly allergic. Since they sat down, the woman had been whining about what a horrible evening it was, and the man had been getting progressively more terse in his attempts to quiet her. I wasn't listening too closely, but at one point, I heard the woman say, "Fine. If you want to pay for it, open the doors and I will get out here." That's right, in the middle of the tunnel. The man replied, "Will it shut you up?" At this point, I was finally curious enough to look at them again, and was deeply perturbed to see the two of them, miserable expressions and all, snuggled up like the closest of lovers.

I looked up, sneezed, looked down, sneezed, and buried myself in my book until they got off at the next station.

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