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Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Pizza Elves

So, between then and now, I've gotten an entire graduate degree. I find myself once again with a moderate amount of brain to spare. Congratulations, dedicated readers! You have discovered posts no one thought would happen!

There has also been a swapping of housemates. Owl left for a time, and a classmate of mine, to be known as Jill, took the room. Some things to know about Jill: she is very self-sufficient, she is very self-contained, and she is very, well, normal. It was less like having a housemate and more like having a very quiet neighbor. Well, so says one who is used to living with good friends.

Another thing about Jill is that she has a gluten sensitivity. Not Celiac, apparently, so I don't really understand the details. But it was serious enough that she used and washed her own plates and utensils.

Which made it very confusing when, on returning from going out to dinner with Walrus, we discovered a box half-filled with pizza, very normal, gluten-filled pizza, sitting on our kitchen counter. At first, I assumed this was Walrus', and he assumed it was mine, even though neither of us likes the particular kind of pizza in the box, because it certainly couldn't be Jill's.

Upon discovering that it wasn't either of ours, we declared it to be courtesy of the pizza elves, perhaps as part payment for their cousins the bloody elves.

Later, of course, it was determined that Jill "sometimes just can't resist". I guess the sensitivity isn't so serious after all.

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