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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Lightbulb Moment...

New on the home front, tonight I came home to find two lightbulbs out in the upstairs lamp.  I managed to find one new bulb, and proceeded to replace one of the dead ones.

That was my first mistake.

The lightbulb immediately blew, and when I tried to take it back out, the majority of the glass came off in my hand.  My friends who were present advised me to cut the circuit before using pliers to remove the remaining half-bulb.  Unfortunately, the circuit box is in another flat.  So I had to call the landlord.

The landlord, drunk and disbelieving, insisted on coming upstairs and seeing for himself.  He had me turn the light on and off.  He then said, "There's no way there's any electricity running through that."  Quality logic, that.  And then, refusing any advice, including my proffered oven mitt, he stuck his bare hand up to the remaining half-bulb.

As we all sat there in shock, the landlord fidgeted with the glass until a small crunch was heard and the landlord said calmly, "Oh.  Blood."  Several small pieces of glass fell to the floor.


He then (continuing to fidget) proclaimed, "Oh, there's your problem; it's in too tight."  No.  No it's not.

After I disposed of what glass he had gotten out, I then asked him again to go break the circuit so I could use pliers like I was planning to in the first place.  Ignoring me, he immediately stuck his hand back in the bulb case.  I offered the mitt again, only to be told, "There's no electricity there."  I said, "No, for the glass..." having given up on him knowing how electricity works.  His reply, "Oh, I don't mind the blood."  We do, landlord, we do.

After several moments of all of us just waiting for him to slash open something important or electrocute himself, he did actually manage to get the bulb out.  Thanking him, I tried to get him out of the house at that point, but he insisted on finding two new bulbs for us.  I told him to call me if he found bulbs, but please not to worry about it and I'd take care of it in the morning.

Ten minutes later, he called back, saying he found bulbs.  He then had the gall to explain to me how to safely insert new bulbs.

